IDC Staff Instructor
As a seasoned PADI Instructor, you have wisdom and experience to share with up-and-coming PADI leaders. And, you know that continuing your education never ends.
In this course:
You become a master of instructor-level dive theory, knowledge development teaching presentations and confined water teaching presentations
You audit a complete IDC as a staff member rather than as a student
Before the Course Begins
Complete Registration
Come to the shop to pick up learning materials
Complete learning material before first class session
Demonstrate mastery of the following:
Dive Theory Knowledge​
PADI Standards
Teaching Presentations (in class and in pool)
Audit IDC
Audit an entire IDC
Watch how to teach the IDC
See first hand student issues
Work alongside a PADI Course Director
The Ocean Pro Difference
100% AWARE
We are partnered with Project AWARE, a global non-profit organization that is Protecting Our Ocean Planet - One Dive at a Time. They are focused on the critical issues of Sharks in Peril and Marine Debris, and we're supporting

them by donating $10 for every student we certify.
Free Air
During your IDC Staff Instructor course we want you to gain experience as a diver so we encourage you to go out diving as much as possible. To help you do that, for the duration of the course we fill your tanks with air for free!
Learning Materials Included
Most shops advertise a nice low price for their IDC Staff Instructor course. A low price always looks good, but in this case low prices are full of hidden fees. Most shops don't include any of the learning materials in the IDC Staff Instructor price. We don't agree with that, so we make sure all learning materials you need are included.
Low Ratios
We keep our student to instructional staff ratios low to ensure you can progress a pace that is comfortable for you. We keep our numbers to a max of four students to one instructor or less.
Be qualified as a PADI MSDT
Be at least 18
More Resources
Your Next Adventure
As a high level Instructor, you should always be looking to improve your skills as a diver. A great way to improve your skills and challenge yourself is through Tech Diving