We carry a full range of scuba rental gear to meet all your needs. Our gear is high end and is continuously serviced and well maintained. Ask about our try before you buy program - you can rent virtually any piece of gear we carry and if you decide to purchase it, we will apply the cost of your rental towards the purchase of your gear.
Weekend rentals start at 1:00 PM Friday and are valid until 6:00 pm Tuesday. Weekday rentals start on Tuesday 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm Thursday. If you need another arrangement please contact us and we will see what we can do.
Complete Package
Full Package
Basic Package
2X AL80 Tanks
Safety Sausage
Mask/ Snorkel
Halo 3D
*no substitutions for package items
Tank Rentals
80 CF Air Tank
80 CF 32% Nitrox Tank
119-133 CF Steel Air Tank
130 CF Steel 32% Nitrox Tank
40 CF Pony with Reg
Rental Packages
3 Month Basic Package
6 Month Basic Package
10 Pack 80 CF Air Tanks
10 Pack 130 CF Steel Air Tanks
10 Pack 80 CF 32% Tanks
10 Pack 130 CF Steel 32% Tanks
Try Before You Buy
When buying dive gear it can be hard to know what you want just by looking at it. Especially as you get into different gear configurations and high end gear. That's why we've created our try before you buy program. If there is a piece of technical gear or premium gear you're thinking about buying but want to try out first, let us know and we'll make it available to rent. After you've tried it, if you decide you like it and want to buy it, the price of the rental goes towards the purchase of the gear.
Deluxe Rentals
Heated Vest
Premium Regulator
Premium BCD
Premium Computer
Premium Dive Light
Black Tip Scooter (must have DPV Cert to rent)
Tech Rentals*
Sidemount Package:
Sidemount BCD, tanks (with air & rigging), regulators
Doubles Package:
Harness and 60lbs wing, double steel 119's (with air & rigging), regulators
Double Steel 119's
Tech Computer
Tech Regulators
*divers must provide proof of qualification, or proof of being in a tech course to rent tech gear