Specialty Instructor
Dive more, have more fun and teach about your favorite subjects. Specialty Instructor Courses provide valuable teaching tips for meeting the requirements of each Specialty course. Having five specialty instructor ratings is a prerequisite for the Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) rating. You can choose from any of the 26 standard specialty courses that PADI offers.
Before the Course Begins
Class and Pool
Complete Registration
Come to the shop to pick up learning materials
Complete learning material before first class session
Class for each specialty starts at 7:00 PM at the shop
Review key aspects of the courses
Review learning material
If course requires it, head to pool to review skills and teaching tecniques
Ocean Dives
Review key ocean skills
Practice evaluating students
Respond to simulated student problems
Go through dive and skill order
The Ocean Pro Difference
100% AWARE
We are partnered with Project AWARE, a global non-profit organization that is Protecting Our Ocean Planet - One Dive at a Time. They are focused on the critical issues of Sharks in Peril and Marine Debris, and we're supporting

them by donating $10 for every student we certify.
Free Air
During your Instructor course we want you to gain experience as a diver so we encourage you to go out diving as much as possible. To help you do that, for the duration of the course we fill your tanks with air for free!
Lots of Instructors, Lots of Experience
We have over 20 Instructors and Divemaster on our staffing team, and between them all we can teach almost all specialties. That means whichever specialty you want to take, we have a wealth of different experience and knowledge bases. Many of our instructors have been teaching for 15+ years, so you'll be sure to get extra knowledge from vast experience.
Low Ratios
We keep our student to instructional staff ratios low to ensure you can progress a pace that is comfortable for you. We keep our numbers to a max of four students to one instructor or less.
Be qualified as a PADI OWSI
Be at least 18
Be certified at student level for the specialty you wish to teach (can be done in conjunction)
More Resources
Your Next Adventure
Once you become a Master Scuba Diver Trainer, your next step on your career path is the Instructor Development Course Staff Instructor. In this course you will learn how to assist in training new instructors!